Los Rapidos – Mexico 2022

Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.

Laozi, Tao De Ching

Bacalar was one of our favourite places in the Yucatan region! An afternoon in the fresh flowing waters, along Los Rapidos, as excited wonder children of Mother, Earth. So happy to share this gift and moments of beauty with you💧 

As healing artists we endeavour to continue giving time and energy to create more beauty in the world to share - if any of our work has brought you joy, nourishment, goodness, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us in these ways

Love and blessings to all

As healing artists we endeavour to continue giving time and energy to create more beauty in the world to share – if any of our work has brought you joy, nourishment, goodness, we humbly ask that you consider supporting us:

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This is a post from Leeliu’s & Axel’s „Traces of Beauty” project

All images © 2024 by Axel Hebenstreit – axel.media

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